Year 4 blog:

As we come to the end of this half-term, we wanted to share all the incredible things Year 4 have been learning and exploring!

In Maths, we've been working hard on multiplying two- and three-digit numbers, and we’ve also tackled division. The children have shown great resilience in learning and applying these skills, building confidence in their problem-solving abilities.

In Reading, we delved into Horrible Histories: Gruesome Games. Through this fascinating text, we explored how the Romans entertained themselves, from chariot races to gladiator games. Alongside learning about history, we have been practising retrieval skills such as sequencing and find and copy, as well as making inferences from an illustration or a quote. The children have been captivated by the intriguing (and sometimes gruesome!) historical details.

Linking perfectly with our reading, our History lessons have focused on the Roman invasion of Britannia. We’ve explored the key events surrounding Boudicca’s rebellion and discussed her bravery in standing up to the Romans, even when the odds were stacked against her.

Our Science lessons this half-term have been electric—literally! We kicked off our electricity unit with a visit from university students who demonstrated some amazing gadgets used for testing electrical circuits. From there, we learned how to stay safe around electricity and conducted experiments to discover which materials make the best conductors. The children loved putting their scientific thinking to the test!

In Writing, we’ve had an exciting time creating a narrative inspired by My Brother is a Superhero. Now, we are shifting gears to plan and write a persuasive non-chronological report for a "Cracking Contraption." The creativity and enthusiasm the children have shown have been inspiring!

This half-term has been filled with rich learning experiences across all subjects. It’s been wonderful to see the children continue to progress and shine. From exploring history and science to developing key skills in reading, writing, and maths, they’ve worked hard and embraced every challenge.

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to see what next half-term brings!


Pupil Librarian Assistant of the Year Award:


KS1 Pantomime: