Year R blog

WC - 28 November

This week in Year Reception, we have been up to some excellent learning and had great fun too!

The bases have been exploring the number 9 in maths and have pretended to 'be the teacher' by helping each other to form the number 9 correctly on our wall!

We have also been practising our Christmas songs to make sure we are ready for our festive performance in a few weeks’ time and can't wait to show off our singing skills! In Foundation lessons, we have been making a class advent calendar and we have also been using our creative skills to make salt-dough! 

In Busy Bee this week we have enjoyed making Christmas decorations for our classroom trees. We have been trying extremely hard to learn how to make snowflakes and paper chains to decorate our Year Reception environment in time for Christmas. How incredible they are!

In Writing this week, we have been using our phonics knowledge to sound out the words we want to write and linking it to the topic of how to look after a baby - we have been linking our learning to the book, ‘15 Things NOT To Do With A Baby’!  

Finally, we loved showing some of our parents how brilliantly we have learnt our phonics sounds of the week on our Friday phonics workshop. We now know how to say, read and write the sounds /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, and /oo/. We are practicing them often to ensure we have increasing accuracy!

Our teachers are very proud of what we have learnt this week! Well done Year R!


Year 4 swimming


Weekly round up - 2nd December