Year 3 blog

Welcome back to the Year 3 blog! We have been really enjoying our new topics for this term and are loving the practical elements of our learning.

Did you know, in Ancient Greece, Spartan girls learnt how to wrestle at school and Athenian girls weren’t even allowed to attend? Well… In history this half term we have travelled back in time to explore who the Ancient Greeks were and have adopted the role of historians to help us discover their way of life. We enjoyed getting into role to understand how different their lives were in comparison to modern life. Next week, we will be creating posters which show the legacy that Ancient Greeks have left behind.

Speaking of going back in time… In maths we have deepened our knowledge on telling the time and applied this when solving problems. We have recapped our year 2 knowledge of 15-minute intervals and have also extended this further – we can now tell time to the nearest minute. We have loved exploring time and getting to use clocks to demonstrate our learning.

Year 3 have also enjoyed becoming scientists and exploring light and shadow. So far, we have discovered what light is made of and explored how it travels through objects. We loved using our torches around the school to explore whether light passed through the object or whether it was blocked. We were really excited to find shadows near opaque and translucent objects. Our own shadows were even larger than us because the sun was low in the sky!

We wanted to share some of our learning from science with you, so take a look at the pictures below of us exploring how shadows are made:


Nursery blog


Jo Clarke is a published author