Jo Clarke is a published author
Did you hear about our visit from an author this term? Yes, you heard that right, a real published author came to visit us - we couldn’t believe it either!
Jo Clarke is a published author who has written two books, so far, about Libby’s detective adventures. In the lead up to Jo Clarke’s visit we read her books so we could have plenty of questions about the story and her journey to becoming an author. 3DR loved the book so much that they powered through it in just 3 days (with the help of audiobooks, of course).
After we got over the excitement of meeting an author in person, we listened to Jo telling us about the long journey she had when creating her books. Who knew it took so many attempts, edits and long nights to create a story? It certainly made us more determined to persevere with our own writing and encouraged us to adopt a growth mind set.
Our children came up with some truly thought-provoking questions which showed how enthusiastic they are about becoming writers too. Emma-Lily, in year 5, asked “Was there a deeper message behind the story which you wanted to share with your readers?” to which Jo told us about the message of friendship and adventure – where some of the most nerve-wracking experiences with new people soon become our fondest memories and greatest friends. This resonated with all of us at Mansel Park, especially as we move towards a new school year where great adventures will soon begin.