Eco Committee Blog update

Over the past few weeks, spanning across the half term break, each year group has embarked on the exciting journey of planting various seeds indoors and nurturing them until they sprouted into little shoots. Friday 9th June marked our much-anticipated gardening day, where we dedicated the morning to preparing the soil and digging holes for our shoots. 

In the afternoon, our parents joined us on the field for a delightful picnic and planting session. The event proved to be a resounding success, with numerous parents expressing their delight in witnessing how much their children learned and enjoyed the process of planting and cultivating their own food.

The vegetables and fruits that were planted in the parent allotment will be shared among the children and parents, allowing them to take home and savour the fruits of their labour.

In a heartwarming display of generosity, several of our parents kindly donated tomato, watermelon, cucumber, courgette, and pumpkin plants, further enriching our parent allotment. Our dedicated eco team has been hard at work, meticulously planting these contributions in the allotted space.

Given the scorching heat we are currently experiencing, a dedicated team of children from across the school has taken on the crucial responsibility of watering duties. Their regular care and attention will ensure that our plants thrive despite the challenging weather conditions.


Jo Clarke is a published author


Nursery blog