Poetry By Heart - KS2

We are very excited that Key Stage 2 pupils will be partaking in Poetry By Heart during the Spring term. Each class in Years 3-6 will select two poems, one from pre 1914 and one from post 1914, to learn by heart. We will be hosting two special 'poetry' days in class to support exploring, learning and performing each poem, focusing on our oracy, presentation and storytelling skills.

Pupils will perform their chosen poems to each other. Up to eight pupils from each year group will be selected as individual 'school finalists' and will be entered into the Poetry By Heart National competition! Should any pupil be successful in reaching the National Finals, they will have the opportunity to perform their poem at the Globe Theatre in London!

Each class will enter a 'freestyle' group poem into the competition, where all pupils will be represented. This poem will also be performed to parents - please look out for an invitation via letter coming soon! We will share a recording with parents unable to attend via our website.

You can find out more about the competition here: https://www.poetrybyheart.com


House Competition Update


Year 6