Year 5 In2 university blog – 31st March

Although the rain poured, it didn’t dampen our spirits! We still went to our Into University workshop. The fantastic staff helped us to explore all that university life has to offer and how it can benefit us in the future. We explored what it meant to be a good citizen and looked at range of different scenarios we might find ourselves in. For example, if you found £10 would you hand it in? Luckily, most of year 5 agreed it should be returned to its owner if possible! We then split into our teams and explored: fair trade, democracy and the difference between wants and needs.


We learnt what Democracy means and why it is so important in our society. We then looked at all the laws that surround Democracy and voting. Finally, we explored some different party manifestos then even had a chance to vote!

Fair trade:

We did the banana split challenge! We looked at all the different stages a banana goes through before it ends up in our fruit bowls, from farming to the big super markets that sell them. We researched how much profit, versus the effort, each worker makes. Shockingly it is the farmer, who puts in the most effort that gets the least! 

Wants and needs:

We explored the difference between wants and needs. We learnt that we might want a McDonalds but that doesn’t make it a need. After this, we rated the different needs, such as food and shelter, from most to least important. We thought a safe place to live was really important.


After lunch each group was given a topic (save the bees, Women in sports and dangers in the park) to research and create a presentation on. We made placards, speeches, chants and even dance routines to go into our presentations. Everyone in year 5 was really brave and performed their presentations. They were fantastic! Well done year 5!


Weekly round up – 21st April


Weekly round up - 31st March