Year 4 Science - Blog

This half term year 4 were been given a wonderful opportunity where they were able to take part in a science morning. The morning was made up of three different science activities.

One of the activities focused on how sound travels. The children were able to test different tambourines by hitting them with different objects. They recognised that different sounds were created and how the object affected the sound that was created. The children also used cups and string to communicate with each other and think about how the sound from their voices travelled down the string so that their partner was able to hear them.

I loved testing the Slinky's up against our ears. They sounded like a futuristic game, as if you were in space!” - Albie

The children also had the opportunity to have a look at different forces, one of those forces being gravity! The children had a figurine and a parachute made out of a black bin bag. They were dropping the figurine from different heights to see what happened.

I really enjoyed making a parachute and experimenting with the way it would fall from different heights, we had great fun!” – Dolly

We got to create a circuit and make a lightbulb light up inside a miniature lighthouse. I enjoyed working together.” -Phoebe

The children could put what they had learnt in Science into practice by creating the circuits and placing them into a lighthouse to check that the circuit is connected properly. The children discovered how the power travelled from the battery to light up the bulb and experimented with looking at faults in order to find how to build a successful circuit.


Calshot - Year 5


Book Fair 2023