My Paper Boat blog:

Year 1 and 2 were extremely lucky to have the MAST theatre into school to perform a brand new show.  We joined the storytelling pirates as they took us on an adventure across the open seas!

A child named Fortuna found themself alone, bobbing along the ocean in a paper boat,
searching for a new home. Frightened and alone, she met some friendly creatures along the
way... Mr Penguin and his egg, Percy, showed us how climate change is affecting their
homeland, whilst Miss Swifty Swift taught us that a home is where you Lay Your Hat!
We loved how the actors played musical instruments live, such as the clarinet, flute and accordion. We even got to join in with singing the songs, helping it rain and learning the dance moves. 

It was an absolutely incredible experience that we thoroughly enjoyed! 


Poetry by Heart:


City Athletics blog: