Year 3 blog:

Welcome back to the Year 3 blog! We have been working hard in all of our subjects, learning about lots of exciting topics!

In English we have been writing a suspense narrative, based on the book World Burn Down and the power that the fire has as it moves through the forest! We have used impressive vocabulary, creating the image of the fire building in the reader’s mind, so that the reader wants to read on, to find out what happens next. Now, we are learning about the Amazon rainforest and why it is significant, finding out lots of facts and explaining them in a clear, concise way.

we have been recapping our number bonds and practising our times tables, as this will help with all of our Maths learning! The children are becoming faster at recalling times table facts and we are now focusing on the whole fact family, including our division. This will strengthen our knowledge on mass and capacity even further!

Our Geography unit this term is on the Great Barrier Reef and what makes it so special. We learnt about the variety of species of plants and animals that live there and we were fascinated by the coloured coral. We learnt about where the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is and the size of it, which fascinated us further! We linked this to our previous learning on climate change and it was devastating to hear that this ecosystem is under threat, due to the rise in temperature. This makes us even more passionate at doing our bit to help prevent climate change!

In Science, we have been learning about plants and the elements they need to survive. We have done an experiment to test if a seed would grow, with the same amount of sunlight, space, soil, but with different amounts of water. We are excited to continue watching our plant(s) grow! We have looked at different plants that survive in different climates and how they adapt so they can do this. We have learnt that not all plants need the same conditions, in order to survive.


Tri Golf:


Year 1 Pip and Pap Phonics