Year 3 blog:

Year 3 have had a fantastic start to the new school year and have enjoyed lots of new learning. In Maths, the children are now learning numbers up to 1000. We have used concrete and pictorial strategies to help partition these numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We have recapped our times tables knowledge from Year 2 and now will be learning our 4 times tables!

In Writing, we have met three nasty farmers from Fantastic Mr Fox. The children have enjoyed describing these villains with adjectives, verbs and similes. We have now created our own farmers thinking about what awful habits they might have and what they might do to their animals. The children have embodied Roald Dahl's clever writing techniques to come up with interesting names for the farmers based on their personality.

In Science, we have been learning all about Rocks and the rock cycle. It has been fascinating to learn about how rocks are formed and we even had some help from 'Dolly Mixtures' to explain each stage of the Rock Cycle!


Year 6 blog: