Eco Committee Blog

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much...’ 

Thursday 19th October

For those of you who may not have been part of our school community last year, we were honoured to receive a maple tree as a gift from the Lord Mayor of Southampton, commemorating her historic 800th tenure as Mayor and her becoming the first-ever Lord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor Jacqui Rayment. We had the privilege of hosting Jo Cleary, an Environment Sustainability Manager, who enlightened us about the importance of trees, their fundamental needs for survival, and the remarkable life cycle they undergo. Following this, Hiba El-ghaddaf, a Graduate Project Manager, and her dedicated team joined us in planting this symbolic maple tree in the  field behind the KS2 playground. We aspire for this tree to stand as a lasting emblem of our school's unwavering commitment to our environment.

With the continued growth of our precious maple tree in mind, we are eager to embark on a project to document its journey and share our findings with our local community and the Mayor's office. To initiate this endeavour, each class has taken a moment to capture a photograph with our  maple tree. As a follow-up, at the end of the academic year, we will reenact the same photograph, showcasing the remarkable growth that we anticipate this tree will undergo.


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