Nursery blog:

We have all settled incredibly well back into nursery after our half term holiday and welcomed a few new nursery friends to join our growing nursery family. It has been great to see our experienced nursery friend encouraging and supporting our new friends. We have heard the children say "it is okay, I can help you" and "you can play with me". We even heard reminders about how to keep everyone happy and safe "we need to walk inside or we will bump"

At the moment we are exploring the large school halls and using benches - it is so exciting!

We are walking along the bench and trying to jump off landing like a frog with a loud "rib-bit". As we travel, we are being exposed to prepositions such as 'on, off, up, down, and along'. To continue this development, please see if you can use these words when you are out and about, a great place would be when visiting the local park.


Year 1 - Parent Workshop:


Clean Air Scooter Challenge and Break's Kids Walk: