Clean Air Scooter Challenge and Break's Kids Walk:

Thank you to all of those who joined in with the Clean Air Scooter Challenge last week. It was fantastic to see so many children joining in with the activities; enjoying the scooter parade at break and having the opportunity to practice some scooter skills at lunchtime. 

The number of children coming in on their scooter jumped from 12 on Monday, to 27 on Thursday. The feedback form the staff and the children has been really positive and this is something we will be looking to do again next year to help promote active travel in our local community. 

Just because the week is over, please don't stop wheeling into school. 

Linked into this was the Break's Kids Walk where year 3 and 4 went out around the local area to help alert road users that, even though we are tucked away, we are a school of 386 children and we deserve to be able to walk safely to and from school. The children also learned about the different crossings, how to keep themselves when walking by the road and about crossing the road safely. The children were surprised to only note one refuge island on our march. 


Nursery blog:


Tennis blog: