House Competition blog:

Welcome back to another year of house competitions!  We hope you're as excited as we are to kick off another fantastic term fuelled by competitive spirits. The energy and enthusiasm that the children bring to these events truly make them memorable, and we can't wait to see what this term has in store. As always, our competitions are divided into three exciting categories: Knowledge, Charity and Sports. Let's dive into the details of what each competition has in store.

Knowledge Competition

It is important to train your mind, so with that in mind, this half term we will be focusing on brain training to improve our memory. Children will be taking part in a variety of games, such as finding pairs in cards, that will test their memory before competing in a final competition against children in the other houses.

Charity Focus

We believe in giving back to not only our community, but other communities around the world. This half term we will be taking part in the shoebox appeal. There will be more details soon on how you can support us with this.

Sport Competition

Get ready for some heart-pounding action as we take part in cross-country competitions this half term. We have many children across our school, who are incredible runners who we know will love taking part in these competitions. We are looking forward to cheering them on from the sidelines and watching them compete against not only children within our own school, but also other schools across the city.


But that's not all! Remember that attending school and reading five times a week will earn valuable House Tokens. These tokens can tip the balance in favour of your house, so make sure reading diaries are brought into school daily. We can't emphasise enough how much everybody's participation and dedication to the house competitions matter.  Stay tuned for updates, announcements, and more exciting details as we embark on this term's journey. Best of luck to all the houses! 


Year 2 blog:


Year 1 blog: