Weekly round up – 21st April


This week we have been busy discussing our plans for the Kings Coronation! We have shared ideas with our peers and staff. We hope to celebrate in school with a picnic style event as well as start a legacy of community work through The Big Help Out. We look forward to hearing more from Miss Keen about the exciting plans that are coming soon!


Congratulations to our Stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of all of our fabulous superstars this week. Congratulations this week goes to: Brogan O, Alfie E, Tyree J, Bobby Y, Oscar V, Oliver C, Ozair A, Kaleb G, Charlie K, Willow L, Kai B & Tyler N.

We have had some incredible Postcard Heroes this week! Surprise deliveries landed through the letterboxes of children who have shown our school house values in all that they do, consistently throughout the week. Well done to the following children: Erisa H, Cody H, Tyler N, Ozair A & Kiara D.


Reach new heights with Supertato in year 1 this week with Miss Hoile & Miss Maxwell – take a look at their learning blog that is out of this world!


Year 1 learning blog – 21st April


Year 5 In2 university blog – 31st March