Year 1 learning blog – 21st April

Hello and welcome back to Year 1 blog! We have such an exciting term ahead of us with lots of brand new learning.  

This week we had a very important video arrive… it was from SUPERTATO! He was trapped in the blender alongside his vegetable friends.  He needs our help! For the next two weeks in writing we will be designing our very own Superhero!  We need to use our adjectives, similes and even –est endings to convince Supertato that ours is the best!

Our Science topic this Summer is Plants and Trees. On Tuesday we went on a tree walk where we explored all the nature in our school. We found out that we have Birch Trees, Acer and even Oak trees. We can’t wait to find out about the different parts of a plant.

Have you ever been to Hastings? Did you know there was a battle? Well, in Year 1 we have been learning about the Battle of Hastings. We found out why castles have been built and what they were made of.  At the end of the term we will be creating our own castles. We cannot wait!


Year 2 - Marwell Zoo


Weekly round up – 21st April