Year 1 blog:

What an amazing (and musical) start to our final half term! Year 1 have been dedicating time practicing their musical skills in preparation for Mansel Park Primary’s first ‘Music Festival’! The children played their recorders daily in order to perfect two previously taught pieces; Smooth Lines and (our favourite) Two Note Tango. They not only blew their teachers away, but also impressed the Discover the Music staff with their super recorder playing! The Music Festival was the perfect place for year 1 to showcase everything they have learnt this year and they were excellent! Well done year 1!

In writing, year 1 have been exploring summer with their senses in order to compose a summer poem. The children began the unit by looking closely at images of summer, they picked out the ‘golden sands’ and ‘blue waves’ at the beach and noticed the ‘tall grass’ and ‘growing flowers’ in meadows. They then used their sense of hearing to listen to sounds of summer. The children noticed ‘crickets chirping’, ‘children playing’ and ‘waves crashing’. Lastly, the children had a think about what summer felt like. During this part of the lesson, the children imagined the hot sun on their skin, cool water on their neck and even crabs pinching their toes. The children wrote some super poems that we can’t wait to share with you all soon!

Last, but not least, in maths year 1 have been consolidating their knowledge of place value. The children have been looking closely at numbers to 100 and have demonstrated their understanding by building the numbers with resources, drawing the numbers in different ways and considering how many tens and how many ones are in each number. Our next focus will be money where the children will learn about the value of coins and notes.


City Athletics blog:


D-Day Assembly blog: